La raíz de David

De Enciclopedia de conocimiento de la Iglesia de Dios
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The “Root of David” is one of the titles that refer to Christ. It is derived from the “Root of Jesse,”[1] y muestra que el Mesías nació del linaje de David así como David, el segundo rey del reino unificado de Israel, nació del linaje de Jesé.[2]

El término “raíz de David” aparece dos veces en el libro de Apocalipsis, y está profetizado que Él es el único que puede abrir el libro de Dios sellado con siete sellos.

La raíz de David y la revelación de la verdad

El apóstol Juan ve una revelación sobre la raíz de David

El libro de Dios está sellado

La profecía sobre la raíz de David se encuentra en Apocalipsis 5.

“Y vi en la mano derecha del que estaba sentado en el trono un libro escrito por dentro y por fuera, sellado con siete sellos. Y vi a un ángel fuerte que pregonaba a gran voz: ¿Quién es digno de abrir el libro y desatar sus sellos? Y ninguno, ni en el cielo ni en la tierra ni debajo de la tierra, podía abrir el libro, ni aun mirarlo. Y lloraba yo mucho, porque no se había hallado a ninguno digno de abrir el libro, ni de leerlo, ni de mirarlo.”

- Apocalipsis 5:1–4

Dios es el que está sentado en el trono. El libro de Dios fue sellado con siete sellos, lo que significa que ha sido completamente sellado. El apóstol Juan lloró y lloró al ver la revelación porque nadie en el cielo ni en la tierra ni debajo de la tierra podía abrir el libro; y si no se abría, nadie sería salvo.

En el libro de Isaías en el Antiguo Testamento también está escrito sobre el libro sellado. Está escrito que la visión de Dios no son más que palabras de libro sellado para aquellos que dicen creer en Dios pero guardan mandamientos de hombres, no los mandamientos de Dios, porque se desvanece su sabiduría e inteligencia.

“Y os será toda visión como palabras de libro sellado, el cual si dieren al que sabe leer, y le dijeren: Lee ahora esto; él dirá: No puedo, porque está sellado. Y si se diere el libro al que no sabe leer, diciéndole: Lee ahora esto; él dirá: No sé leer. Dice, pues, el Señor: Porque este pueblo se acerca a mí con su boca, y con sus labios me honra, pero su corazón está lejos de mí, y su temor de mí no es más que un mandamiento de hombres que les ha sido enseñado; por tanto, he aquí que nuevamente excitaré yo la admiración de este pueblo con un prodigio grande y espantoso; porque perecerá la sabiduría de sus sabios, y se desvanecerá la inteligencia de sus entendidos.”

- Isaías 29:11–14

La Biblia es un libro que contiene visiones de Dios para nuestra salvación; sin embargo, no todo el mundo puede entender este libro solo porque digan creer en Dios. Para los que guardan mandamientos de hombres, son como un libro sellado; sin importar cuántas veces la lean, no pueden entender su verdadero significado.

La verdad desaparecida y la raíz de David

Jesucristo ascendió al cielo después de predicar el evangelio del nuevo pacto como la Pascua y el Día de Reposo para la salvación de la humanidad;[3][4] however, after the death of the apostles, men’s opinions were added to the gospel of Christ, and changed doctrines began to appear. At that time, Mithraism, a form of sun god worship, was prevalent in the Roman Empire. In the 2nd century, the Western Church, which was centered in Rome, accepted Sunday worship, the holy day of the sun god. In addition, the Western Church did not celebrate the Holy Supper on the Passover, but did on Resurrection Day, which fell on the Sunday following the Passover.

The Eastern Church, which held fast to the truth of the new covenant, kept the Sabbath and the Passover until the 4th century,[5][6] the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine. After Constantine’s edict of Milan was declared, however, the church quickly became secularized. As a decree was issued on AD 321, declaring Sunday as the day of rest, all the churches abandoned the Sabbath and started worshiping on Sunday. In AD 325, the Passover was abolished during the Council of Nicaea when the decision was made to hold the Holy Supper on Resurrection Day. December 25, the annual festival to commemorate the birth of the sun god Mithra, entered the church with the name Christmas and was celebrated as the birthday of Jesus. Eventually, the truth completely disappeared, and the rules of men took its place. To those who keep the commands of men, the Bible becomes a sealed book.[7] God revealed this situation to Apostle John by showing him His book being sealed with seven seals. In the 16th century, many religious reformers shouted for the reformation of faith, criticizing the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church. During this period, various Protestant denominations such as Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist, and Methodist were formed; however, they did not recover the truth of the new covenant and still followed rules taught by men such as Sunday worship and Christmas. Numerous scholars and religious leaders studied and taught the Bible to people, but none of them recovered the truth that Jesus and the apostles kept. It is because no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth is able to reveal the truth.[8] No one will be saved if the truth remains sealed. This means that the way to salvation can be opened only when the book sealed with the seven seals is opened. The Root of David is the only one who can open this scroll.

Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.

- Revelation 5:5

The Root of David and the Second Coming Christ

The Root of David refers to Jesus.

“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”

- Revelation 22:16

The Root of David prophesied in Revelation 5 does not refer to Jesus who came 2,000 years ago. It refers to Second Coming Christ because it was after Jesus’ ascension when God’s scroll was sealed and the truth of the new covenant disappeared and the rules of men became widespread. In Revelation 5, it is written that the person who opens God’s scroll is the “Root of David” and that the “Lamb that had been slain” would open the scroll and its seven seals.

Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing in the center of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the elders. . . . He came and took the scroll from the right hand of him who sat on the throne. . . . “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, . . .”

- Revelation 5:6–9

The “Root of David” is the “Lamb who had been slain.” The Lamb is also a term that refers to Jesus.[9] Since the death of the Lamb means Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, the “Lamb that had been slain” is Jesus who will come again after His suffering on the cross. In other words, the prophecy that the Root of David will open the sealed scroll means that Jesus will come a second time to this earth and give salvation to mankind by restoring the truth of the new covenant.

The Root of David, Christ Ahnsahnghong

No one can reveal the sealed truth of the new covenant except Second Coming Christ, the Root of David. The Passover had not been kept since its abolishment at the Council of Nicaea in AD 325. For about 1,600 years, there were numerous theologians and religious leaders, but no one ever taught that people should keep the Passover of the new covenant. It is because they are not the Root of David.

It is Christ Ahnsahnghong who revealed the truth of the new covenant in this age. Throughout His life, Christ Ahnsahnghong taught that God’s people should keep the Passover of the new covenant to receive the blessing of eternal life. He restored the truth of the new covenant according to the Bible, including the Passover, the seven feasts in three times, the Sabbath day, and women’s veil. Christ Ahnsahnghong, who restored all the truth in the Bible which had been sealed since the time of the early Church, is the Root of David, the Christ whom mankind must seek in order to receive salvation.[10]

See also

External links

Related videos

  • Sermon: The Church Established by the Root of David & the Truth of the New Covenant


  1. «Isaiah 11:1, 10». 
  2. «Romans 1:3–4». 
  3. «Luke 22:15». 
  4. «Luke 4:16». 
  5. Henry Bannerman, The Modern Sabbath Examined, London: Whittaker, Treacher and Arnot, 2012, pg. 274
  6. Earle E. Cairns, Christianity Through the Centuries, pg. 112
  7. «Isaiah 29:11–14». 
  8. «Revelation 5:2–3». 
  9. «John 1:29». 
  10. «Hosea 3:5».