Profecías sobre Jesús en la Biblia

De Enciclopedia de conocimiento de la Iglesia de Dios
Revisión del 00:34 21 jun 2023 de Jazmin1574 (discusión | contribs.) (Página creada con «thumb | Jesus enters Jerusalem, riding on a colt, according to the prophecy of the Old Testament. '''The prophecies about Jesus in the Bible''' are the records of what Christ will do in the future, and also the evidence for people to recognize God who comes in the flesh as Savior.<ref name="너희가 성경에서">{{Cite web |url=…»)
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Jesus enters Jerusalem, riding on a colt, according to the prophecy of the Old Testament.

The prophecies about Jesus in the Bible are the records of what Christ will do in the future, and also the evidence for people to recognize God who comes in the flesh as Savior.[1] The Old Testament written before the birth of Jesus prophesies many things that testify about Christ, but does not mention the name “Jesus” even once. However, it is undeniable that Jesus is the One who fulfilled all the prophecies of the Old Testament. It is because Jesus’ birth, ministry, and crucifixion were prophesied in the Old Testament and all the fulfillments of the prophecies are written in the New Testament. Jesus, the Savior, and the apostles who followed Him testified about Christ through the Bible.

The Bible Prophesies About Christ

Jesus said that the Bible testifies about the Savior.[1] In the days of Jesus, the New Testament did not exist. What was referred to as the Scriptures at that time was the Old Testament. The Old Testament records the prophecies of Jesus coming as the Savior. Among them, the book of Isaiah prophesied that God Jehovah would come in the flesh as the Savior on this earth, and it was Jesus who fulfilled the prophecy.[2][3]

  • God the Father Comes as a Son

The prophet Isaiah testified that Jesus, who was born as a child, is God the Father.

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

- Isaiah 9:6

The God who was called Father in the Old Testament times is Jehovah.[4][5] The above prophecy means that God the Father Jehovah would come as a child and a son, and He is the Son Jesus.

  • Jesus Fulfills the Prophecy of Immanuel

It was prophesied in the Old Testament that a virgin would be with child and give birth to a son, who would be called Immanuel.[6] Immanuel means, “God with us.” God, here, refers to Jehovah. Immanuel is quoted from the book of Isaiah, because Isaiah firmly testifies that there is no other god except Jehovah.[7][8] Strictly speaking, Immanuel means that God Jehovah comes in the flesh and dwells with His people. This prophecy was fulfilled by Jesus.[9]

This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. “. . . you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” . . . “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel”—which means, “God with us.”

- Matthew 1:18–23

Jesus Appears to the Disciples by William Hole (1846–1917)

Prophecies About Jesus and Their Fulfillment

The evidence that proves that Jesus is the Christ is not simply in His name. The Old Testament includes many prophecies about the Savior who would appear in the Age of the Son, but the name of the Savior, Jesus, was never mentioned. Even if the name Jesus was recorded in the Old Testament, it would have been difficult to recognize Him as Christ from the name alone because it was a common name among the Jews in those days.[10] The most convincing evidence is what Jesus did to fulfill the prophecies of the Bible. In the Old Testament, numerous prophecies are recorded from the birth of Jesus to His suffering on the cross.

The following are the major prophecies about Jesus in the Bible.

Major Prophecies and Fulfillment
Event Prophecy Verses (Prophecy) Verses (Fulfillment)
Birth A virgin will be with child and give birth to a son (Immanuel) Isa 7:14 Mt 1:18–23
Birth Place Out of Bethlehem will come the one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times. Mic 5:2 Mt 2:1–6
Preparing the Way for God God’s messenger will prepare the way for God who will come to this earth. Mal 3:1; Isa 40:3; Isa 40:10–11 Mt 3:1–3; Mt 11:10–11
Where He Preaches A great light will dawn in Galilee (Zebulun, Naphtali) which were humbled Isa 9:1–2 Mt 4:12–16
A Foundation Stone & a Stone of Stumbling Christ will become a foundation stone of Zion and the stone builders rejected, which will be the capstone. Isa 28:16; Isa 8:13–15; Psalm 118:22 1 Pe 2:4–8
Entry Into Jerusalem The king of Israel will come to Jerusalem, riding a colt. Zec 9:9 Mt 21:2–11; Jn 12:12–16
A Prophet Like Moses God will raise a prophet like Moses. Dt 18:18–19 Ac 3:22–24
Melchizedek Christ will come as a priest in the order of Melchizedek Ps 110:1–4, (Ge 14:17–20) Mt 22:41–45; Heb 5:8–10
King David God the Father, who is born as a child, will reign on David’s throne. Isa 9:6–7 Lk 1:31–32
New Covenant God will establish the new covenant and forgives the sins of His people Jer 31:31–34 Lk 22:19–20
Suffering on the Cross Christ will be sacrificed as a guilt offering for the sins of mankind Isa 53:1–5; Ps 22:1–18 Mt 27:26–31; Jn 19:34
After the Crucifixion When Christ atones for the sins of mankind, His grave will be assigned with wicked men, and He will be with a rich man in His death. Isa 53:9 Mt 27:38, 57–60

Testifying About Christ Through the Bible

The Pilgrims of Emmaus on the Road by James Tissot (1836–1902)

Jesus performed the miracle of feeding the multitude with five loaves of bread and two fishes, and opened the eyes of the blind. This is enough evidence that Jesus, the Savior, had a superhuman power.[11][12] However, Jesus proved He is the Savior through the Bible, not any other way. When John the Baptist asked, “Are you the one who was to come?” Jesus answered him with the prophecies of the Bible,[13][14] and when the disciples on their way to Emmaus did not recognize Him, He testified about Himself through the Bible.[15] The saints of the early Church were convinced of Christ through the Bible and proclaimed the name Jesus to the world. It is because the prophecies of the Bible clearly testify about the Savior.

“You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me.”

- John 5:39

Examples of Testifying About Christ Through the Bible
Class. Content Verses
Jesus When John the Baptist sent his disciples and asked Jesus, He made known that He was Christ through the Bible. Mt 11:2–6
On the Sabbath day, Jesus testified about Himself through the Bible to the Jews in the synagogue. Lk 4:16–21
He said that the Scriptures testify about Him. Jn 5:39
After the Resurrection, Jesus testified about Himself with the Bible to the two disciples on their way to Emmaus Lk 24:25–32
Matthew Testifying about Christ through Jesus' birth and His gospel work Mt 1:18–23; Mt 2:1–6; Mt 3:3; Mt 4:12–17
Peter Testifying about the resurrection of Jesus through the Bible on the Day of Pentecost Ac 2:14–42
Philip Testifying about Christ to the Ethiopian eunuch through the book of Isaiah Ac 8:26–35
Paul Proving that Jesus is the Christ through the Bible on the Sabbath day Ac 17:2–3; Ac 28:23

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