Iglesia de Dios de Norteamérica

De Enciclopedia de conocimiento de la Iglesia de Dios
Revisión del 03:07 1 jun 2023 de Jazmin1574 (discusión | contribs.) (Página creada con «{{그림|미국-NY-뉴윈저-하나님의교회-201210.jpg|정렬 = 오른쪽섬네일|너비= 380px|타이틀= Vista frontal de la Iglesia de Dios de New Windsor, NY, EE. UU.}} A fines de la década de 1990, la '''Iglesia de Dios''' comenzó a predicar el evangelio del nuevo pacto en '''Norteamérica'''. Los Ángeles, en el estado de California, fue la primera área de Norteamérica donde la iglesia comenzó a predicar. El número de los que recibieron la verdad aume…»)
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Vista frontal de la Iglesia de Dios de New Windsor, NY, EE. UU.
Vista frontal de la Iglesia de Dios de New Windsor, NY, EE. UU.

A fines de la década de 1990, la Iglesia de Dios comenzó a predicar el evangelio del nuevo pacto en Norteamérica. Los Ángeles, en el estado de California, fue la primera área de Norteamérica donde la iglesia comenzó a predicar. El número de los que recibieron la verdad aumentó constantemente, y se han establecido iglesias en los 50 estados de los Estados Unidos. También hay iglesias en Alberta, Columbia Británica y Ontario, Canadá. Siguiendo la enseñanza de la Biblia: “Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo”, los miembros de la Iglesia de Dios practican el amor de Dios de muchas maneras y están redefiniendo el valor de la fe en Norteamérica, donde el cristianismo está profundamente arraigado. Han sido premiados numerosas veces con el Premio del Presidente al Servicio Voluntario en reconocimiento a sus diversas actividades de contribución social.[1]

Descripción de la Iglesia de Dios de Norteamérica

Los miembros de la Iglesia de Dios de la región de Nueva York asisten a la Gran Asamblea de la Pascua en el Lincoln Center de Nueva York.
Los miembros de la Iglesia de Dios de la región de Nueva York asisten a la Gran Asamblea de la Pascua en el Lincoln Center de Nueva York.

La misión en Norteamérica comenzó en 1997 cuando la Iglesia de Dios dio su primer paso en las misiones en el extranjero. El evangelio se predicó por primera vez en Los Ángeles, California, en el oeste de los Estados Unidos, y se ha extendido rápidamente a Nueva York, Connecticut, Colorado, Illinois y otros estados del este desde la década de 2000.[2] El número de miembros aumentó rápidamente, ya que muchos se conmovieron por las verdades de la Biblia, como la Pascua del nuevo pacto, las siete fiestas de tres tiempos, Dios Padre y Dios Madre. Se han establecido iglesias en todos los estados de EE. UU., incluyendo Alaska, cerca del Polo Norte, y Hawái, en el Pacífico. También hay pequeños lugares de culto, como Casas-Iglesia y Oficinas-Iglesia, en todo el país. Más del 90 % de los miembros de la Iglesia de Dios de los Estados Unidos son ciudadanos del país y se reúnen varias razas, como blancos, negros, hispanos y asiáticos.[3] In the United States, where racial issues are still present, the members practice virtues such as love, consideration, and humility. Following the Teachings of Mother, they understand that love is the greatest virtue and set a good example for society by showing love to one another.
American members played a pivotal role in establishing churches in many countries in South America such as Colombia and Venezuela.[4] In Canada, which borders the United States, the gospel mission is being carried out and churches have been established in Edmonton, Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal. It was not expected to see many people from North America come to a church that started in Korea.
Starting with the first Overseas Visiting Group in 2001, the members in North America have been constantly visiting Korea, the “land of prophecy,” where the truth of the new covenant has been restored. During the trip, they study the Bible, experience Heavenly Mother’s love, and deepen their faith in God. Those who participated in the visiting group have said, “'I realized God’s love that I only knew as knowledge in the Bible. I will put that love into practice in my life and deliver God’s grace and blessings to my family, neighbors, and acquaintances.”[5] The members in North America are continuing the gospel work without rest to deliver the love, the truth of the new covenant, throughout the continent. They strive to testify about God the Father and God the Mother who give true freedom, the gift of eternal life.

Present Status and Activities

Erasing graffiti on buildings in downtown Edmonton by the Church of God in Edmonton, Canada
Erasing graffiti on buildings in downtown Edmonton by the Church of God in Edmonton, Canada
The 795th Worldwide Blood Drive to Give Life Through the Love of the Passover by the Church of God in Dallas, TX, U.S.
The 795th Worldwide Blood Drive to Give Life Through the Love of the Passover by the Church of God in Dallas, TX, U.S.

The Churches of God throughout North America help communities by holding various volunteer services with Mother’s love and a heart toward a family. They organize cleanups and campaigns to educate citizens on the importance of protecting the environment,[6][7][8][9] and host the Worldwide Blood Drive to Give Life Through the Love of the Passover to support the blood supply shortage and save lives.[10][11][12][13] When unexpected disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods occurred, the members rushed to those affected areas and devoted themselves to recovery and relief efforts to support the victims.[14][15][16][17] Frank Alosevic and his family, who were victims of Hurricane Irene, sent a letter of appreciation to the church for their disaster recovery efforts. It said, “I gave up hope, but you guys brought it back. I saw what I never imagined existed anymore, people of all walks of life working together in a brotherly and sisterly fashion. Let your loved ones know you are changing other people’s lives for the better.”[18]

In addition, church members have helped their neighbors in need by donating socks to the homeless and hosting blanket drives to support a children’s hospital. The church has also led volunteer activities to support education by donating books and school supplies to local schools, building playgrounds, and hosting other initiatives to support the youth. They continue to share Mother's love with their neighbors through large and small volunteer services such as helping the elderly at nursing homes, shoveling snow after snowstorms, and visiting police and fire stations to show their appreciation for their service.[19] The Church of God in Edmonton, Canada, visited senior citizens, who spent the end of the year away from their families, in nursing homes and shared love and laughter by putting on various performances.[20][21]

They also carry out activities to help solve critical societal problems to create a better future. In the United States, which has the highest number of COVID-19 infections, the Church of God delivered face masks and support kits to the medical staff to help during the pandemic.[22] During this time, when communication between families started to decrease, the members held the “Family Appreciation Day” event to help family members reconnect with one another.[23] They also held the ASEZ Future Leaders Forum” in partnership with police officials to discuss crime prevention measures that can be put into practice[24] and the “Cooperation for World Peace” concert to encourage citizens to implement the Sustainable Development Goals [SDGs] in their daily lives.[25][26]

Media Reports and Awards

The President’s Volunteer Service Award from the U.S.
The President’s Volunteer Service Award from the U.S.

The Church of God in North America is being praised in the media as a role model for its efforts to serve communities with love, transcending individualism that is prevalent throughout society.[27] In recognition of their commitment to helping their neighbors in need, raising civic awareness, and having a positive impact on the community, the Church of God received the President’s Gold Volunteer Service Award (the highest honor for a group) 50 times from the Biden, Trump, and Obama administrations in the United States[28][29][30][31] praised the members’ efforts in the Award Certificate and letter. He said, “On behalf of the American people, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to you for your volunteer leadership, and I encourage you to continue to answer the call to serve. The country is counting on you.” Local governments also issued proclamations and resolutions to express their gratitude and respect for the humanitarian work of the Church of God.[32][33][34][35][36]

External links

See also
